Le Voyage de la Vie

I Think I am in Love

Posted on: October 30, 2011

Judul yang provokatif bukan? πŸ˜‰ *wink wink* huehehe. Tapi maaf sebelumnya, postingan ini murni curahan hati dan bukan cerita-ceriti seperti yang biasanya. Jadi kalau sulit dipahami ya maaf πŸ™‚

This entry is about my blossoming love for something. A whole something which is very important. I was introduced to this thing some months ago by my best friend. I will not exactly explain what is that about, but it affects me a lot in a good way. It gives me a new perspective of life and boost my spirit to face my future. On the other hand, I didn’t feel comfortable there. I felt like an outsider who tried to be included. I also felt that I was a burden for some people there.

But the event today gives me a new experience that makes me feel that I do belong to them. I know that I am welcomed there and I can do something to help. Although I am quite tired and I still have an assignment from my class, AND I haven’t finished studying for tomorrow’s exam πŸ˜› , I feel a pure joy now. It’s like finding something great πŸ™‚ I hope from now on everything will be better.

And as a closing for this entry, I also did find someone that I admire. I won’t say “so much” because I just know a little about him now, but the first impression and other people’s thought about him that I have heard are great πŸ™‚ Will it be a love at the first sight eh? πŸ˜›

Ciao! See you in a more normal entry πŸ˜‰

15 Responses to "I Think I am in Love"

“a new perspective of life and boost my spirit to face my future”, hmmm.. I would be glad if there’s a friend give me that too, but what is this “thing” actually? LOL

actually my friend didn’t give give it to me but he introduced me
it’s quite complicated to be explained here so I’m sorry
I don’t want to give you a misunderstanding because of partial explanation

never mind madam, just my expression. πŸ˜€

cieeh, hahaha πŸ™‚

Nggak ngerti, Niiiin… 😦

Ahem… just know a little about him, eh? Tell us about it. πŸ˜€

he has great sense of humor! πŸ˜€

hanya ingin mengikuti postingan agan .
salam kenal yya

hee, enak dah kalau punya admire gitu. fufu :3

ih enak itu kalo jadi sasaran admire orang kali,kapan yaaa :3

Aduh aduh saya pikir kamu lagi kasmaraaaaan 😳

aih aih 😳
haha ini lebih seperti menemukan keluarga baru sih mas
eh mas ayok kopdar yoookk kapan2,ntar keburu ga di bandung lagi, saya masih nggak tau mas yg mana πŸ˜†

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